Looking for the best pintxos San Sebastian has to offer? You’ve come to the right place!

San Sebastian is without a doubt one of the best places to experience nice pintxo places, simply because of the great variety you can find there. But when choosing where to go the options can be overwhelming, and you’ll want to avoid the tourist traps. You can start by taking a tour of my personal favorites. I’ve been in search of San Sebastian best pintxos for almost three decades and this is my selection.

If you would like to discover the city with me, choose the option “Private tour” and I will take you around the city you choose.

In the centre:

ZAZPIOxtail ravioli


MESÓN MARTÍNThey have a pintxo called TRAINERA, made with baby squid, shrimp and jamón.

In the Old Town:

GOIZ ARGIShrimp brochettes with vinagrette.

GANDARIASRib eye meat pintxo.

TXEPETXAAnchovie filled with crab creme.

BORDA BERRI – Idiazabal cheese risotto.

ZERUKOHoguera de bacalao.


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